Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thank you Missy!   How did you get him to get all cleaned up??

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pai e Noah

OK so I know I am biased but I think I might have one of best looking families around! This is my nephew Noah again he's just TOO cute! and old man Grampa haha my dad

Friday, January 18, 2008

OK well I finally got a photo to add to my blog of my mom.  Here she is on her graduation day a few years ago from Harvard University, took her a few years but eventually she did it.  Im so proud of her and her accomplishments, she's always inspired me to be more.  Im sure we all think our moms are the best  but MINE really is the BEST!

Love you lots mom :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

jobless?! no way

Ok so I guess I can talk about this now since its coming to fruition. As of last week friday I resigned from my job at the paper to dedicate my full focus on the new magazine we are starting. I can't go into too much detail on here other than everything is falling into place better than could have imagined! I keep ya posted.

10pm 2 hours to go till New Years

We dont know this guys name but aparently I was the only one who DIDN'T make out with him that night.

2007 dec 31

Pre-game, well pre-game II, G Bar NYC, I dunno what is in a Tokyo Tea but I hope to never have to have one again! Love u anyway menina! lol

New Years Eve in NYC

Ok I can't go into full detail about the CRAZY!! time in NYC this New Years, mom and dad might be reading lol, but let's just say it was a time to remember good and bad! This is a photo of the bestest roommate ever Alejandro and our friend David and of course myself as we were getting ready for Masterbeat Party. Little did we know it'd take use 3 hours to get 8 blocks due to the streets being blocked off by New York's finest, catching the glow of the ball drop in time square in a crowd of thousands of people. Like I said a night to remember.

My Family Christmas 2007

OK, So here is a pic of some of my family, I know my dad's hair is crazy, but hey gotta love'em anyway. Look at how cute my lil nephew Noah is! I miss these guys a lot, hope to get to see them sometime soon.