Sunday, November 9, 2014

My friend died...


I friend of mine passed away this past Saturday. He was really sick over the last year and a half. I feel bad because we lost touch and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. But I'll carry the good memories of him with me always.

I'm writing you this because Shawn's passing has made me not want to take people for granted and the little time we have on this earth. So I will continue to hope that we will one day reconnect and be friends again. And if we don't, I will know that it wasn't for lack of effort on my part, that at least I tried...



Saturday, November 1, 2014



Why do you hate me?? What have I done to deserve this??

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 6, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Fernando Correa <> wrote:
> Beau,
> I am writing you this message in hopes that you will actually read it and respond.
> I've been trying to reach you, for a very long time now actually. But all my efforts have been unsuccessful. I had actually given up. But then I had a dream with you:
> We were at an event or party. We talked and were able to reconcile. We then spent time together. It was great hearing your voice and laughter again.
> I was hoping my dream would come true and we could talk again, and be friends...
> I miss you...
> Sincerely,
> Fernando Correa
> Sent from my iPhone